Released in 2010, “Tangled” quickly achieved great success and received warm responses from moviegoers. Audiences fall in love with the romance of Rapunzel and Flynn Rider, enjoy their epic adventures, and express hatred towards Mother Gothel – the cruel and wicked villain of the movie.
Mother Gothel appeared as a mother who loved Rapunzel wholeheartedly and could do anything for her daughter, but actually, she did everything just for her own good. Viewers all know that Gothel is an excellent antagonist, but perhaps because she lacks magic or superpowers like other Disney villains, they don’t usually appreciate her evilness.
Keep scrolling down to discover 10 factors that make Mother Gothel the most underrated Disney villain ever, and don’t forget to let us know your opinion in the comment section below!
#1 She will forever be eviler
Source: Walt Disney Animation Studios
At the end of the film, Mother Gothel imprisoned Rapunzel after she refused to allow her to use the healing powers of her magical hair. When Flynn Rider broke in to save Rapunzel, Gothel stabbed him and wasn’t even disgusted by her cold-blooded behavior. It is the thought of continuing to be eviler over time that makes Mother Gothel a terrifying villain.
#2 She is kind of realistic
Source: Walt Disney Animation Studios
Unlike other Disney villains who have magic or superpowers, Mother Gothel is just an ordinary person and decides to become evil for her own sake. Villains that build on normal persons and can exist in real life are far scarier than the villains who you know they will never show up, right?
#3 She has no remorse
Source: Walt Disney Animation Studios
Mother Gothel did a lot of terrible things: she kidnapped Rapunzel and took her away from her family, she locked Rapunzel in a tower and she even stabbed Flynn Rider at the end of the movie. However, not once did Mother Gothel feel guilty for her actions. To her, everything she does is right, and others always owe her.
#4 She’s truly selfish
Source: Walt Disney Animation Studios
Mother Gothel is the kind of person who thinks only of herself and doesn’t care about the outside world. Everything she does is for her own benefit, and she doesn’t care if her actions can harm others. This selfishness of Gothel keeps her from seeing her sins and makes her a frightening villain.
#5 She’s good at manipulating
Source: Walt Disney Animation Studios
Mother Gothel has always been very good at playing with people’s minds and manipulating them to get what she wants. Just look at how she pretended to love Rapunzel so she would listen to her and stay in the tower for over 10 years. If Rapunzel hadn’t left the tower with Flynn Rider, she would have never known that she was the victim of Gothel’s manipulation.
#6 Mother Gothel does not love
Source: Walt Disney Animation Studios
Mother Gothel does not love anything or anyone in this world. She didn’t love Rapunzel but just used her to maintain her beauty. And when she could no longer use Rapunzel’s hair’s healing powers and was turned back into her true appearance, she also showed hatred towards herself. How can a person open her heart for others if she doesn’t even love herself?
#7 She’s incredibly intelligent
Source: Walt Disney Animation Studios
Mother Gothel was certainly a cleverly wicked person. Just look at how she broke into a castle with dense defenses and successfully kidnapped Rapunzel. Moreover, she was also good at planning as she could even make herself a hero in Rapunzel’s eyes. Gothel’s intelligence makes her much more dangerous than villains who just rely on their physical strength.
#8 She is always alone
Source: Walt Disney Animation Studios
Mother Gothel just wants to take advantage of everyone she comes into contact with. She treated Rapunzel well just because Rapunzel’s magical hair can help her maintain her beauty. She also used the Stabbington brothers to bring Rapunzel back to the tower. And when they are no longer worth using, Gothel will never hesitate to cut ties with them.
#9 She’s willing to take risks
Source: Walt Disney Animation Studios
To achieve her goals and get what she wants, Mother Gothel is willing to do anything and does not care about the consequences. She didn’t hesitate to break into the castle despite its heavy security to kidnap Rapunzel. She also agreed to trade with the Stabbington brothers for her life to bring Rapunzel back. You certainly wouldn’t want to have to deal with a person who was never scared of anything, would you?
#10 She’s unpredictable
Source: Walt Disney Animation Studios
Mother Gothel was an impulsive person. Although she was very good at planning, she also often made many decisions in the heat of the moment. Dealing with Gothel is a very difficult mission as you can never predict what Gothel’s next step will be.