The talkshows’ queen is well-known for her compassion and mindfulness. She has run a lot of charity work and campaigns to help numerous people. Oprah Winfrey is one of the wealthiest self-made women in America. Lately, she has made shows about literature, self-improvement, mindfulness, and spirituality. She appears to be a perfect model of a kind and generous lady.
With a colossal amount of work, Oprah Winfrey needs a diligent productive team. Also, she is famous for recognizing talents and helping nurture them. Hence, plenty of excellent individuals love to work for her. However, the queen has several must-follow rules that her employees need to mind if they don’t want to get fired. Some say they are strict, and others say they are reasonable.
Therefore, let’s dip over these ten instructions and decide whether you can make a proper Oprah party member!
#1. A Lifetime Non-Disclosure Agreement Must Be Signed
You must not reveal anything about her! Whether it is about her work or personal life, including caterers, florists, upholsterers, plumbers, and the vets who look after Oprah’s dogs, no words should be slipped for her staff’s whole life. It helps the talk show queen maintain control of both her image and her empire.
#2. Oprah’s Pet Peeve Is Gum, Don’t Forget It! Plus, She Is Never A Fan Of Balloon
Source: GettyImages
Oprah hates it when people chew gum and bans the people around her from eating gum. Remember to never let a piece of gum appear in her sight! So do balloons. Oprah suffers from a phobia called globophobia and it seems the sound of balloons popping is what drives her fear.
#3. Disrespect Are Banned. Besides, Raising Voice Is Considered Unacceptable.
Source: GettyImages
Oprah is an impressive leader without raising her voice or mistreating her workers. Henceforth, she requires them to be polite and kind, especially with no bad language or raising voices. Any disrespectful behavior will lead to an end of employment.
#4. Must Say No To Fans’ Gifts And Cards Whatever The Case Is
Source: GettyImages
She said once the best present was from the heart. The talk show queen never accepted these gifts that her audiences and fans brought to give her. Neither does her team. You can not take them whether to keep them or give them to anybody else.
#5. Security And Paramedic Must Always Be On Standby
Source: GettyImages
Oprah is extremely careful. She cited that her shows had too many people that could cause any kind of emergency situation, even criminal ones. So, she requests the security and paramedic staff to be well-prepared whenever and wherever she is.
#6. Staff Must Do Body-Searching On Audience Members And Make Sure They Look Right. Also, Oprah Never Likes To See Empty Seats.
Source: Oprah Twitter
No jackets, cellphones, cameras, or any dangerous items were allowed inside. Once the fans are inside the studio, the work really begins for the production staff to rearrange them so that everything looks perfect in front of the cameras. When her show starts, all the seats must be filled. Once audience members sit down, they need to remain there until the end of the show.
#7. Caring Is A Must-Have Character. Furthermore, Be Prepared For Sudden Emotional Explosions!
Source: GettyImages
She’s well-known for her generosity and her respect for everyone, regardless of their position in the company. Oprah hopes everyone at her place is kind and caring. Sometimes, she needs sudden mental support after tackling controversial and emotionally charged topics. Her team has to find ways and help her to adjust and manage the show.
#8. Be Ready To Deal With Controversy And Lawsuit
Source: CBS
She is not afraid to cover controversial topics. She’s discussed everything from gun control to multiple personality disorder over the years and never shied away from a topic just because it might cause a stir. Besides, getting involved in a lawsuit is nothing strange to Oprah. Thus, if you work for her, you must not waver when confronting controversies and lawsuits.
#9. Be Willing To Share, But Don’t Be Curious!
Source: GettyImages
Oprah cares and wants to listen to her employees’ personal life, so she can help them when they need it. Therefore, they are willing to share their stories with her. Occasionally, she even invites them to dinner. However, the queen’s personal life, especially her relationship with Stedman, is off-limits. If she likes to share a few aspects of her life, it’s good to chitchat with her, but questioning and being curious will not be tolerated.
#10. Oprah Only Works With The Top-Notch. What’s more, Wasting Time Is Never Her Option.
Source: ABC News
If you do manage to land a job with Oprah, you can sit back and congratulate yourself on being the cream of the crop, because the talk show queen doesn’t work with anyone less than the best in the business. In addition, Oprah is always on time. She even comes to work early. So, don’t waste her time!
#11. Be Passionate And Think Outside Of The Box!
Source: Anand Damani
Oprah wants her staff to put their head to work. Some sacrifices are necessary to achieve success. Her workers must be passionate and productive. One of her most important requirements is the ability to self-reflect and improve. They must not let their bias, prejudices, or judgments prevent them from learning new things and gaining better points of view of the world.
#12. Be Positive And Ambitious, Because Oprah Winfrey’s Book Doesn’t Contain “Failure”!
Source: GettyImages
Oprah always pushes her staff to a higher level. She will never be satisfied with average ambitions or negative thoughts. It’s good to be humble and self-aware, but it’s excellent to be confident and rightfully ambitious. If you have a chance to work with her, don’t ever mention or even think of failure!
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