The Dark Knight Trilogy, directed by Christopher Nolan, is among the most well-known trilogies in film history. The Dark Knight Trilogy not only became a big blockbuster with audiences, reviewers, and at the box office, but it also cracked limits at the Academy Awards. To this day, this Trilogy is still recognized as the pioneer and one of the golden standards of the superhero genre.
One of many things that fans love about this trilogy is its defining scenes. Those moments which we can rewatch thousand times yet still give us the goosebumps and the shivers down our spine. From the very first moment of young little Bruce Wayne witnessed his parents’ murder to the last time we see him live a different happy life. To sum it up, we have brought you the 6 most iconic scenes of the Dark Knight Trilogy.
#1 The Retirement Life in The Dark Knight Rises
We’ve all seen the famous finale moment in which Alfred runs into Bruce at his favorite restaurant. This accurately summarized Bruce’s existence and demonstrated to Alfred that he was truly happy. It was a lovely way to memorialize him, knowing how he grew Bruce to be the person he has now become. The closure is usually effective, and it succeeded for the audience who had been watching Nolan’s masterpiece so intently for 7+ years.
#2 “Hero Can Be Anyone” in The Dark Knight Rises
This wonderful and heartbreaking moment put the trilogy together brilliantly from beginning to end. Viewers recalled the incident in which young Gordon wrapped his jacket over little Bruce’s body when his parents passed away. At the ending of The Dark Knight Rises, Gordon convinces Batman that Gotham needs to know who protected people, and Batman answers, “Hero can be anyone.” “…Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a young boy’s shoulder to let him know the world hadn’t ended,” he says, making Gordon understand something more. And Gordon reacts with “Bruce?”
#3 “He’s The Hero Gotham Deserves But Not The One It Needs Right Now…. A Dark Knight”
Commissioner Gordon’s words to his kid, “Batman is the hero we deserve,” were as dramatic as they get. And, as if that wasn’t enough, when we see Bale’s Bat drive out from the shadows into the light, we are struck by the statement “He’s a silent guardian, a watchful protector, a Dark Knight.” This would be enough to send shivers down anyone’s spine, not to mention what a beautiful finish to a near-perfect film!
#4 The Interrogation Scene in The Dark Knight
It’s undoubtedly the finest comic book film ever made, and Ledger’s Joker deserves a lot of credit for it too. The tension surrounding Bat and Joker in the GCPD holding cell is tremendous, and it becomes even more thrilling when audiences realize that anything that Joker said there influenced the film’s ending. At this moment, not only was Ledger’s Joker outstanding but so was Bale’s Bat. Bale’s reaction to Ledger’s performance was authentic and passionate.
#5 The Stealthy Batman in Batman Begins
Batman’s investigative and covert abilities are what made him feared by Gotham City’s most ruthless criminals, and this moment in Batman Begins perfectly proved why. Thanks to the teaser cuts provided by Nolan and Wally Pfister, our first encounter with a full-fledged Batman went as expected.
#6 “The Will to Act” in Batman Begins
When it concerns origin stories, Batman Begins is indeed a burst of new air. Inspired by the comic Batman: Year One, this film included new characters and slightly changed the names. Nonetheless, the learning flashback moment with Bale and Neeson, set to Hans Zimmer’s menacing soundtrack, remains in viewers’ memories. Because of Ra’s severe training tactics, the heated environment of the combat created this line “the will to act,” which helped Bruce discover his own motivation to contribute.