Wolverine, commonly referred to as Logan, is a well-known mutant in the X-Men saga. Wolverine, well renowned for his famous extendable claws, has featured in 10 of the 13 X-Men films and will shortly make his Marvel Cinematic Universe appearance. After all, when word got out that Hugh had decided Logan would be his last Wolverine performance, we all had the same thought: “Why?” Why would Hugh want to give up?
Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine has been gone for four years, yet technically, there aren’t many of us who don’t appreciate him. We recall sobbing our eyes out in the cinema, not because of the finale, but rather because we knew right away that we would never be able to experience something as meaningful as Hugh’s representation of our favorite comic hero again; perhaps not even in this lifetime. So What is the reason behind this departure, and what is the plan for the iconic superhero Wolverine.
#1 Why Did Hugh Jackman Leave Wolverine?
Hugh Jackman resigned the role of Wolverine because he thought it was time for him to move on. Hugh stated, “It was a gut feeling.” “It was time to just leave… not only for me but also for the character.” Hugh discussed this with Jerry Seinfeld, and both thought Hugh was correct.
Hugh’s feelings are understandable after 17 years. There is a point in every tale when it must reach its inevitable end, and Hugh thought Logan was that point. And, as much as it sucked, we have to agree with Hugh: Logan was a fantastic conclusion to Wolverine’s saga. It was accurate to the characters.
#2 Will Hugh Jackman Ever Be Wolverine Again?
Hugh has shown interest in portraying Wolverine in the MCU, but nothing has been verified. Kevin Feige had to persuade Hugh that his appearance wouldn’t jeopardize Logan’s climax because of the multiverse, and Hugh stated he’d make a decision after reading the screenplay. Hugh once stated that if Marvel had brought the X-Men rights before his resignation, he would have stayed. However, now that the doorway to the multiverse has been opened, Hugh might easily emerge as a Wolverine from a dimension other than Logan’s.
#3 Is Wolverine In Deadpool 3?
Wolverine will not appear in Deadpool 3. The initial intention for the film, according to Ryan Reynolds, was a crossover between Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine and Ryan’s Deadpool, but that was scrapped after the Fox-Disney deal. And we won’t see Logan in DP3 unless Hugh and Feige reach an agreement.
#4 Who Will Replace Hugh Jackman As Wolverine?
The new Wolverine has yet to be selected. Aside from Hugh, there have also been suggestions of Tom Hardy or Charlie Hunnam portraying the MCU’s Wolverine, and nothing has been announced. The X-Men, according to Feige, is still not in the “casting process.