The Suicide Squad directed by James Gunn is currently one of the most beloved blockbusters of the year. In addition to the appearance of the new protagonist, Starro – the main villain of the film, also get a lot of attention from fans. Here’s what we know about The Suicide Squad “final boss” Starro.
Starro, the Star Conquerors, is an extraterrestrial being shaped like a starfish, with a large size and a huge eyeball in the center which is an alien carnivorous monster that roams the universe. Starro first appeared in the 1960 comic book The Brave and The Bold #28. It was introduced as the Justice League’s first nemesis right in the Silver Age of DC Comics.
In The Suicide Squad, Starro was secretly brought down to Earth by the US astronauts. For more than thirty years, the US government has quietly researched Starro. The goal of this project is to turn the Starro into a military weapon from which to help America control the world. So, what makes Starro so powerful and wanted?
#1 Self-produced thousands of “mini starro”
Starro can create thousands of mini versions of himself, which are small starfish capable of clinging to people’s faces like Facehugger in the Alien series. There is a connection between the Starro and the mini clones. Starro transmits messages, thoughts through her children. If the Starro is destroyed, the clones cannot survive.
#2 Mind control
Starro’s origin is the Star Conquerors, an ancient alien race that used mind control powers to conquer the universe. Mind control is Starro’s most important ability, exercised through the “Mini” versions of Starro. Victims of Starro’s attack lose their consciousness, become controlled slaves, and begin to stagger like zombies. Thanks to this terrifying method of attack, Starro can control millions, even billions of people at the same time.
#3 Energy absorption
Starro is known to be dangerous because its body can absorb energy, including atomic energy. This ability makes Starro almost invulnerable to all forms of normal physical attacks such as bullets, slashes.
#4 Regenerate and change the body
Starfish can regenerate lost tentacles, regrow themselves within a certain time. creators let Starro learn this ability. If one of Starro’s five tentacles is injured or amputated, it will regenerate itself intact, just like Wolverine in the X-men series. In addition, Starro can change size. To facilitate combat, its body will expand or shrink according to the situation.
#5 Travel through space, time
Given its enormous size, Starro can fly across vast interstellar distances. This is one of the reasons why Starro has conquered nine galaxies. In some stories, Starro also can travel through time. This ability was obtained when Starro possessed the mind of Rip Hunter, a superhero with the ability to travel through time, an important character in Legends of Tomorrow
Source: u/Juubito899