“Eternals” is the 26th Marvel movie that is created based on the original MCU comics. However, in the filmmaking process, Marvel tries to keep the plot, the characters, and their stories while changing a few things to adjust to their purpose. Besides some minor changes in the gender of some superheroes like Sprite, Makarri, and Ajak, there are some bigger ones that fans of Eternals can easily find out.
Check out the list here to see whether you can guess it right.
1. How the Eternals are immortal in comics vs. in the movie.
While the Eternals don’t age over time in the film, the comics show that they do age. If they die, they are reborn in the reactivation chamber as long as the machine is working well. Meanwhile, in the film, it seems like when they are gone, they are gone. Thanks to the fact that there are different versions of them created on different planets, they could eventually come back (with different memories).
2. Sprite in comic books is described as Peter Pan, but in the movie, as Sprite is a female, she’s like Tinkerbell.
In the Neil Gaiman storyline, Sprite tricks all of the Eternals with his illusions because he is sick of not being able to grow up. After tricking them into forgetting who they are, he turns himself human.
3. Comics say that Sersi’heart belongs to Makarri, not Ikarus.
While it’s true that Sersi is an Eternal having affinity for humanity, she has a romantic relationship with Makarri. For thousands of years, they have been being together and breaking up many times, just like how the movie builds up a relationship between her and Ikarus.
4. The romantic relationship between Thena and Kyo
Mentioning the love affair between Thena and Kyo, comics say that they have been keeping their relationship as a secret to other Eternals for a while, but it is eventually revealed. The two have twin children together. On contrary, the movie shows their relationship in a different way. While Kyo and Thena have a moment together, it is not romantic at all. When he tries to drain her of her powers, she kills him.
5. The Deviants in the movie are more like animals.
Comic books describe the Deviants just like humans but with lower intelligence. Humans are the middle ground, and the Eternals are Gods. While the film tries to keep this order, they tend to make the Deviants more animal-like. But it’s not really a big difference.