The Marvel Cinematic Universe is poised to delve into an unexpected new relationship between two legendary characters: Scarlet Witch and Doctor Doom. Insider MyTimeToShine reports that Elizabeth Olsen’s Wanda Maximoff is set to play a pivotal role in the upcoming Avengers films.
In particular, in Avengers: Doomsday and Secret Wars, there are rumors suggesting she may have a romantic involvement with Robert Downey Jr.’s Doctor Doom. While this remains speculation at this point, let’s explore how this intriguing storyline could unfold if it becomes a reality.
#1. Scarlet Witch And Doctor Doom Are A Couple In The Comics
News of a potential relationship between Scarlet Witch and Doctor Doom has taken many fans by surprise, especially since the two have never crossed paths in the MCU. However, their connection in the comics has long been a subject of intrigue and controversy.
In the Avengers: The Children’s Crusade comic series, Wanda and Doom develop a romantic relationship after Scarlet Witch suffers memory loss. Despite their love appearing genuine, it ultimately ends due to Doom’s ambition and Wanda’s immense powers. Adding to the speculation, TheComicCircus recently reported that Wanda may be referred to as “Baroness” in future films, which could lead to more twists.
Though the MCU’s portrayal of Scarlet Witch and Doctor Doom is expected to differ from the comics, the pairing opens up intriguing possibilities. Rumors suggest that Doctor Doom might harness Wanda’s powers to manipulate and navigate the Multiverse.
#2. Robert Downey Jr.’s Casting As Doctor Doom Was Done To Increase Hype Around The Upcoming ‘Avengers’ Films
Industry insider Daniel Richtman reports that Marvel Studios’ decision to recast Kang wasn’t just due to Jonathan Majors’ personal issues. Instead, they felt there wasn’t enough fan excitement around the character and opted for a bold move to boost interest.
Marvel chose to cast Robert Downey Jr. as Doctor Doom, hoping to attract a larger audience for upcoming films. Richtman explained, “They went with a gimmick casting of Downey as Doom to get people excited for the Avengers.” This casting choice, along with pairing Doctor Doom with Scarlet Witch, has sparked fan interest and debate.