Have you ever been shocked to see the drastic transformation of Marvel superheroes? I know I had, and it was a full-on shock to my system. So what leads to the dramatic transformation of Marvel superheroes?
Well, the first thing that comes to my mind is that they’ve been with Marvel for over 10 years. This is a very long period of time. In just over 10 years, it is enough to say that they have changed more or less. In addition, technological developments have increased the application of visual effects in films. It makes everything easy. For example, you may see actors looking younger in real life than in movies, or vice versa. This is one of the great effects of visual effects that also makes our actors look different than they really are. Finally, there are advancements made in the field of makeup. It has allowed the actors to look more outlandish than ever when they take on a role.
Here is a comparison of the looks of the brightest characters then and now. Keep reading for more details.
#1 Robert Downey Jr. — Tony Stark/Iron Man
Source:© Captain America: The Winter Soldier / Marvel Studios, © Avengers: Endgame / Marvel Studios
Amazing makeup and special effects! In Captain America: The Winter Soldier , Robert Downey Jr.’s character looks younger in Captain America: Civil War.
#2 Chris Hemsworth — Thor
Source: © Thor / Marvel Studios, © Avengers: Endgame / Marvel Studios
Thor‘s transformation in Endgame shocked even the most loyal Marvel fans. His muscles are gone, replaced by a beer belly and flabby body.
#3 Mark Ruffalo — Bruce Banner (Hulk)
Source: © Iron Man 3 / Marvel Studios, © Avengers: Endgame / Marvel Studios
Many characters change their appearances in the forthcoming Avengers: Endgame, but the green monster’s transformations are more mental. The character of Mark Ruffalo eventually found harmony with his inner beast and transformed into a cute, lovable giant.
#4 Michael Douglas — Hank Pym (Ant-Man)
Source: © Ant-Man / Marvel Studios
Michael Douglas, who is 70 years old, seems 25 years younger in Ant-Man, and this transition is regarded as one of the greatest computer visual effects experiments in movies.
#5 Samuel L. Jackson — Nick Fury
Source: © Captain Marvel / Marvel Studios, © Captain America: The Winter Soldier / Marvel Studios
This is probably the character that hasn’t changed much. Because Marvel Studios has rejuvenated Samuel L.Jackson and made him 25 years younger in previous films.
#6 Chris Evans — Steve Rogers (Captain America)
Source: © The Avengers / Marvel Studios, © Avengers: Endgame / Marvel Studios
Thanks to the makeup artists, we can see Chris Evans’ image as he gets older.
#7 Sebastian Stan — James “Bucky” Barnes (Winter Soldier)
Source: © Captain America: The Winter Soldier / Marvel Studios, © Captain America: The First Avenger
With the help of computer technology, Bucky gained a bionic arm and became a member of the Avengers.