The Avengers is our beloved hero team in the golden era of sci-fi and superhero genres. They fight evil schemes in their golden armor, magical weapons combine with extraordinary combat skills as well as brilliant minds. And it would be a shortcoming if we don’t talk about 3 of the most iconic heroes that cinema has ever offered: Iron-man, Thor, and Captain America. And their origin movies were excellent in many ways. Praised by both critics and fans, these movies successfully show the brilliant character developments of our heroes.
So, CaptainJones82 – An online artist who has designed a series of pictures that attempt to capture the character development of our three beloved superheroes. They are only small pictures but they somehow manage to deliver a quick look at the hero struggles to become who they are today, a quick nostalgia we may call it.
#1 Iron-Man
Source: CaptainJones82
Source: CaptainJones82
#3 Thor
Source: CaptainJones82
#4 Captain America
Source: CaptainJones82
Source: CaptainJones82
Source: CaptainJones82
Source: CaptainJones82
Source: CaptainJones82
Source: CaptainJones82
Source: CaptainJones82