According to Deadline, Hiroyuki Sanada, known for his role in FX’s limited series Shōgun, has officially signed on to reprise his role as Lord Yoshii Toranaga. His return is seen as vital for any potential extension of Shogun beyond its initial run, given the character’s pivotal journey in the 10-episode adaptation of James Clavell’s novel.
While certain details are still in progress and negotiations are ongoing, FX is actively pursuing a second season for Shogun, buoyed by its strong commercial and critical reception. The outcome of these efforts will determine whether Shōgun transitions from a limited series to a full-fledged drama, with significant implications for the 2024 Emmy Awards. The timing of this decision is closely tied to the deadline for Emmy submissions.
Shōgun Season 2 Plotlines Take Shape
The most recent reviews of Sanada’s contract renewal, in fact, read like an echo of the inner struggles at FX during “Shōgun’s” first run, by which the network waffled between defining the show as either limited or ongoing. That tension rolls through to the finale written by Maegan Houang and Emily Yoshida, and directed by Frederick E.O. Toye. While the finale does give closure, it also leaves much of a far larger opening of vistas for a future Season 2, particularly in terms of Toranga’s quest for shogun status.
Key to this hope for continuation, however, is Blackthorne’s own arc throughout, with several dreams showing him as an old man, considering Mariko, and therefore presumably still staying in Japan long after the ship has gone down. The last episode also leaves some strong suggestion that a central theme for the next season could be this tight bond between Toranaga and Blackthorne. Lastly, there is potential for taking the narrative one level deeper and exploring more dynamics within the ensemble.
Shōgun Season 2 Is Open-Ended
What the FX series does most clearly is that it omits the showdown of Toranaga with its rival Regents, bringing in an element of surprise to its climax. Lady Ochiba’s withdrawal of support to Ishido does suggest a Shōgun in vogue from the point of view of the storytelling. But also, it indicated that the series would be thrown in the race of long-standing or limited series slot drama at the Emmys.
That’s a whole other question about whether the series should be renewed. Shōgun succeeds because of the adaptation of a single Clavell novel into ten episodes. The creatives, working with a talented team to bring it all to life, put together what may be called amongst the best of the year. It’s only going to be a matter of time to really see if a second season can keep the same impact if and when it comes out.
Shōgun’s Triumph Sets Stage for Season 2 as Network Explores Further Success
Shōgun fared well in its debut, with positive reviews, and 9 million views around the world on Hulu, Disney+, and Star+ in its first six days, and it has become the best-ranked general entertainment series internationally for the company. It also landed the best ranking as the No. 1 FX premiere on Disney‘s streaming platforms. Now, with an eye toward expansion, the network looks to get more from that investment in the recreation of 17th-century Japan, filmed in Canada.
Sanada is an actor-producer with a career spanning three decades. He recently starred in key films like John Wick: Chapter 4, Bullet Train, and Zack Snyder’s Army of the Dead. He next will reprise his role in the Mortal Kombat sequel. Sanada is repped by Gersh, Axon Entertainment, Lighthouse Entertainment, MPR, and Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton.