Captain America, notably portrayed by Chris Evans, has become a cornerstone of the Marvel Cinematic Universe after Captain America: The First Avenger aired in 2011. Steve Rogers was ridiculed and mistreated like a fool prior to acquiring the super-soldier serum. His background, however, did not prevent him from regaining his confidence and then becoming a courageous military commander. Everyone admires him since he has always placed himself in a physically dangerous path to defend another.
Captain America maintains his moral compass all across the MCU, finally passing the shield to Sam Wilson following the events of Endgame. When Steve Roger disappeared, the Avengers lost the tie that bound them united. Can Sam Wilson be the next Avengers captain that the team requires? We sincerely hope so. Whereas The Falcon reconsiders his options, let us commemorate Captain America with some outstanding cosplays.
#1 Strongincostume
Source: Strongincostume
#2 JPRcosplay
Source: JPRcosplay
#3 CaptainCosplay
Source: CaptainCosplay
#4 Captaindandyandy
Source: Captaindandyandy
#5 WorldOfGwendana
Source: WorldOfGwendana
#6 AlysonTabbitha
Source: AlysonTabbitha
#7 O.B.Arkham
Source: O.B.Arkham
#8 Misch.Axel
Source: Misch.Axel
#9 Kidcaptainamerica
Source: Kidcaptainamerica
#10 Cap.Mathis_cosplay
Source: Cap.Mathis_cosplay