Pixar’s new animated film Luca is a pure, poetic work that’s perfect for summer. In many ways, Luca is a typical Pixar work with stunning visuals, multifaceted characters, and an interesting, humorous and meaningful plot. This is also the first film by the illustrious studio to be made during the period of social distancing.
While most cartoons try to give the characters and setting a realistic look, the goal of the Luca producers is to make the film more artistic. Although Pixar is known for its surreal animation, director Enrico wanted lyrical picture frames that were reminiscent of 2D movies and the works of Hayao Miyazaki, whom he greatly admired.
The result is stunning, the film’s visuals truly take the audience to the depths of uncharted waters and an idealized version of the Italian Riviera. The trick that the filmmakers discovered was to use a separate color palette and create high color saturation. Computers can generate millions of colors. But an artist only has a limited palette to mix and paint with. So, if the colors are limited, the frame will have an artistic and expressive feel like an artist’s painting.
Check out this colorful concept.
Source: Disney
Source: Disney
Source: Disney
Source: Disney
Source: Disney
Source: Disney
Source: Disney
Source: Disney
Source: Disney
Source: Disney
The background of the movie like a poetic picture
Source: Disney
Source: Disney
Source: Disney
Source: Disney
Source: Disney
Source: Disney
Source: Disney
Source: Disney
Source: Disney
Source: Disney
Source: Disney
Source: Disney
Source: Disney
Source: Disney
Source: Disney